The Peerian Journal 2025-01-29T06:32:01+00:00 Daniel Novák Open Journal Systems <p><strong>The Peerian Journal</strong> is an open access multidisciplinary peer reviewed scientific journal to publish the original research in multidisciplinary areas of study which is run by Peerian Journals Publishing. This journal follows a double blind peer review process to ensure the quality of publication. Authors are requested to submit their original manuscripts for publication in this journal according to the scope of the journal and authors guidelines. The objectives of the journal publisher are inline with the standard practices of scholarly publishing.</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency:</strong> Monthly ( 12 Issues per Year)</p> <p class="04xlpa" style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2788-0303</p> <p class="04xlpa" style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">Expect on average <strong>10 weeks</strong> from submission to publication.</p> <p class="04xlpa" style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"> </p> <p><strong>The scope of the Peerian Journal is not limited to following areas of study:</strong></p> <ul> <li><em>Engineering and Technology</em></li> <li><em>Theoretical and Applied Sciences</em></li> <li><em>Tourism Management and Finance</em></li> <li><em>Social Science and History</em></li> <li><em>Arts and Design</em></li> <li><em>Literature, Philosophy and Culture</em></li> <li><em>Medical and Natural Sciences</em></li> <li><em>Formal and Non-Formal Education</em></li> <li><em>Natural Language Processing for Happiness</em></li> </ul> In military personnel It was carried out under nilateral spinal-epidural anesthesia Assessment of blood hemostasis parameters and prevention of thromboembolic events during surgery and postoperative periods 2025-01-29T06:32:01+00:00 Rakhmankulov E.J. Ph.D. Associate Professor Mirrakhimova S.Sh. Ph.D. Professor Avakov V.E. Chakganov O'.A. <p>A comparative assessment of the effectiveness and safety of spinal and epidural anesthesia shows a number of disadvantages of epidural anesthesia. Based on the accumulated experience of 24 years, the advantages of spinal anesthesia can be summarized as follows: "No one knows of such a deep and widespread anesthesia with such a small amount of drug, with such low systemic toxicity, and with such effectiveness" [68; 590-597 -b]. While several studies on this issue have shown the qualitative advantages of spinal anesthesia, there are reports of numerous failures of epidural analgesia, manifested by lack of anesthesia, insufficiently widespread anesthesia, unilateral anesthesia, or inadequate blockade of several segments.</p> 2025-01-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rakhmankulov E.J. Ph.D., Associate Professor Mirrakhimova S.Sh. Ph.D., Professor Avakov V.E. Chakganov O'.A.