Dependence of Oil and Gas Production Rate on the Formation Structure


  • Bekjonov Rozisher Soatmurodovich Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute Department of "Oil and gas business" Karshi city, Uzbekistan country
  • Mavlanov Zafar Allanazarovich Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute Department of "Oil and gas business" Karshi city, Uzbekistan country
  • Avlakulov Abdimajit Meylivich Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute Department of "Oil and gas business" Karshi city, Uzbekistan country


maintaining, artificial, reservoir, oil


In most cases, oil production occurs when it is replaced in the pore space of a productive formation with water or gas, both under natural operating conditions and with artificial methods of maintaining reservoir pressure by flooding or gas injection.


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How to Cite

Bekjonov Rozisher Soatmurodovich, Mavlanov Zafar Allanazarovich, & Avlakulov Abdimajit Meylivich. (2023). Dependence of Oil and Gas Production Rate on the Formation Structure. Czech Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovations, 13, 7–9. Retrieved from


