Community-Based Approaches to Combating Desertification


  • Haydarov Hasanjon Hakimovich Kokand branch of TSTU, 150700, Kokand, Uzbekistan
  • Kushimov Bakhtiyor Alishovich Kokand branch of TSTU, 150700, Kokand, Uzbekistan


desertification, community-based approaches, sustainable land management


Desertification, a significant environmental challenge, threatens the sustainability of ecosystems and livelihoods worldwide. This scientific article presents a comprehensive analysis of community-based approaches to combating desertification. The study explores the key concepts, discusses relevant literature, outlines the methodology employed, presents the results, engages in a thorough discussion, and concludes with implications for future research. The findings highlight the effectiveness of community engagement, participation, and empowerment in fostering sustainable land management practices. Community-based approaches prove to be instrumental in mitigating desertification and promoting environmental resilience


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How to Cite

Haydarov Hasanjon Hakimovich, & Kushimov Bakhtiyor Alishovich. (2023). Community-Based Approaches to Combating Desertification. Czech Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovations, 19, 31–36. Retrieved from


