Explore the challenges and opportunities posed by artificial intelligence in developing communications between robots and autonomous systems

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Hayder Mahdawi


regarding the four properties, and discussed the potential for AI to enhance the resistance of RAS

to corrosion. While we discuss the benefits of AI to humans, there are also negative consequences

that need to be understood. The new idea of human-centered artificial intelligence will serve as the

catalyst for the implementation of a dependable RAS. This survey can be employed to explore

additional research on the four properties of dependable RAS, it also discussed the potential for AI

to enhance the efficacy of RAS. While we discuss the benefits of AI to humans, we also need to

understand the potential dangers associated with it. The new idea of human-centered AI will serve

as the impetus for the implementation of a dependable RAS.

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How to Cite
Hayder Mahdawi. (2024). Explore the challenges and opportunities posed by artificial intelligence in developing communications between robots and autonomous systems. The Peerian Journal, 37, 40–51. Retrieved from https://peerianjournal.com/index.php/tpj/article/view/1003


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