Study of the Process of Obtaining a Catalyst for the Synthesis of Benzene Based on Ethylene for the Production of Cyclohexane
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Products of petrochemical industries are necessary for every modern person, thousands of enterprises in various industries. A result of the distillation of crude oil, cyclohexane ended up in naphtha, it was sent to catalytic reformers, where it was processed into benzene. Based on the results obtained in the laboratory for the synthesis of cyclohexane using ethylene, tests were carried out in the central laboratories Shurtan gas chemical complex. When analyzing the resulting product using gas chromatography, it was found thatabout 17.5% cyclohexane was formed. The technical parameters of the products (butadiene-1,3 and cyclohexane), synthesized by the staff of the National University of Uzbekistan and the Central Laboratory of the Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex, give approximate properties to imported cyclohexane at the JSC of the Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex..
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