Heating System of Greenhouses Through Perforated Air Pipe

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Boboev Sobirjon Murodullaevich
Pirnazarov Ilkhom Islamovich


Creating an ideal microclimate ithin greenhouses is crucial for successful plant growth and maximizing crop yield. Temperature control plays a vital role in maintaining optimal conditions throughout the growing season. Perforated air pipe systems offer a innovation by distributing hot air uniformly, resulting an optimized microclimate. This article explores the benefits and functionality of using perforated air pipes to create an optimal microclimate in greenhouses.

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How to Cite
Boboev Sobirjon Murodullaevich, & Pirnazarov Ilkhom Islamovich. (2023). Heating System of Greenhouses Through Perforated Air Pipe. The Peerian Journal, 18, 41–43. Retrieved from https://peerianjournal.com/index.php/tpj/article/view/571


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