Using Educational Electronic Software In The Educational Process And Their Importance
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Educational software and the possibilities of using it in practice provide an opportunity to go one step further in the educational process and increase the effectiveness of teaching. The information technology of education refers to special technical media (computer, audio, film, video). all technologies used are understood. In the period when computers began to be widely used in education, the term "new information technologies of teaching" appeared, in general, any pedagogical technology is information technology, because the technological basis of education is information and its movement, therefore, from the computer it is more appropriate to call the teaching technology used computer technology.
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G. Gulyamov, U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov, J.I. Mirzaev, On Temperature Dependence of Longitudinal Electrical Conductivity Oscillations in Narrow-gap Electronic Semiconductors, Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 12(3), Article No 03012 (2020)
U.I. Erkaboev, U.M. Negmatov, R.G. Rakhimov, J.I. Mirzaev, N.A. Sayidov, Influence of a quantizing magnetic field on the Fermi energy oscillations in two-dimensional semiconductors, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 19(2), Article No 2021123 (2022)
U. Erkaboev, R. Rakhimov, J. Mirzaev, N. Sayidov, U. Negmatov, M. Abduxalimov, Calculation of oscillations in the density of energy states in heterostructural materials with quantum wells, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2789(1), Article No 040055 (2023)
U. Erkaboev, R. Rakhimov, J. Mirzaev, N. Sayidov, U. Negmatov, A. Mashrapov, Determination of the band gap of heterostructural materials with quantum wells at strong magnetic field and high temperature, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2789(1), Article No 040056 (2023)
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R. Rakhimov, U. Erkaboev, Modeling of Shubnikov-de Haaz oscillations in narrow band gap semiconductors under the effect of temperature and microwave field, Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2(11), pp.27-35 (2020)
U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov, N.A. Sayidov, Mathematical modeling determination coefficient of magneto-optical absorption in semiconductors in presence of external pressure and temperature, Modern Physics Letters B, 35(17), Article No 2150293 (2021)
U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov, N.Y. Azimova, Determination of oscillations of the density of energy states in nanoscale semiconductor materials at different temperatures and quantizing magnetic fields, Global Scientific Review, 12, pp.33-49 (2023)
U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov, J.I. Mirzaev, N.A. Sayidov, The Influence of External Factors on Quantum Magnetic Effects in Electronic Semiconductor Structures, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), pp.1557-1563 (2021)
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U.I. Erkaboev, G. Gulyamov, R.G. Rakhimov, A new method for determining the bandgap in semiconductors in presence of external action taking into account lattice vibrations, Indian Journal of Physics, 96(8), pp.2359-2368 (2022)
U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov, N.A. Sayidov, J.I.Mirzaev, Modeling the temperature dependence of the density oscillation of energy states in two-dimensional electronic gases under the impact of a longitudinal and transversal quantum magnetic fields, Indian Journal of Physics, 97(4), pp.1061–1070 (2023)
U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov, J.I. Mirzaev, U.M. Negmatov, N.A. Sayidov, Influence of a magnetic field and temperature on the oscillations of the combined density of states in two-dimensional semiconductor materials, Indian Journal of Physics, 98(1), pp.189-197 (2024)
U.I. Erkaboev, N.A. Sayidov, U.M. Negmatov, J.I. Mirzaev, R.G. Rakhimov, Influence temperature and strong magnetic field on oscillations of density of energy states in heterostructures with quantum wells HgCdTe/CdHgTe, E3S Web of Conferences, 401, Article No 01090 (2023)
U.I. Erkaboev, N.A. Sayidov, U.M. Negmatov, R.G. Rakhimov, J.I. Mirzaev, Temperature dependence of width band gap in InxGa1-XAs quantum well in presence of transverse strong magnetic field, E3S Web of Conferences, 401, Article No 04042 (2023)
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U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov, J.I. Mirzaev, N.A. Saidov, U.M. Negmatov. Calculations of the temperature dependence of the energy spectrum of electrons and holes in the allowed zone of a quantum well under the influence of a transverse quantizing magnetic field. International conferences “Scientific foundations of the use of new-level information technologies and modern problems of automation”, pp. 344-347 (2022)
U.I. Erkaboev, N.A. Sayidov, J.I. Mirzaev, R.G. Rakhimov, Determination of the temperature dependence of the Fermi energy oscillations in nanostructured semiconductor materials in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field, Euroasian Journal of Semiconductors Science and Engineering, 3(2), pp.47-52 (2021)
U.I. Erkaboev, U.M. Negmatov, J.I. Mirzaev, N.A. Sayidov, R.G. Rakhimov, Modeling the Temperature Dependence of the Density Oscillation of Energy States in Two-dimensional Electronic Gases Under the Impact of a Longitudinal and Transversal Quantum Magnetic Field, Acta Scientific Applied Physics, 2(3), pp.12-21 (2022)
R.G. Rakhimov, U.I. Erkaboev. Modeling of Shubnikov-de Haase oscillations in narrow-band semiconductors under the influence of temperature and microwave fields. Scientific Bulletin of Namangan State University. Volume 4, Number 4, pp.242-246.
U.I. Erkaboev, R.G. Rakhimov. Oscillations of transverse magnetoresistance in the conduction band of quantum wells at different temperatures and magnetic fields. Journal of Computational Electronics. 2024. pp. 1-12