The implicit political satire in Ramadan television programs, exemplified by the show "Red cat."

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Zaid Manhal


Comedy is a purposeful art that possesses numerous fundamental elements in structuring events and discussing human issues, being considered a noble art with its own characteristics. The way it presents topics that carry a meaningful message revolves around provoking laughter and constructive criticism of various social issues, introducing new perspectives on subjects through satire in critique. This approach has a profound impact on both individuals and society, starting from specific objectives but extending its influence broadly, whether on political or social events.

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How to Cite
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Zaid Manhal. (2024). The implicit political satire in Ramadan television programs, exemplified by the show "Red cat." . The Peerian Journal, 34, 49–61. Retrieved from


- Article titled "Political Satire in Arab Media,"

- Article titled "Political Satire in Contemporary Arab Discourse," in Al-Malik Journal, published


- Katerina Mansa, (2010), *The Impact of Satirical Television on Political Engagement in Greece*,

Thesis, Georgetown University, USA.